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Six African Saints in the New Testament:

St. Evang. Mark of Cyrene – Author of 2nd Gospel
St. Mark of Cyrene, the Evangelist
Author of the 2nd Gospel


St. Simon of Cyrene – Luke 23:26-27
St. Simon of Cyrene
Luke 23:26-27


Baptism of Ethiopian eunuch
Acts 8:26-39


St. Simeon of Niger
Acts 13:1


St. Lucius of Cyrene
Acts 13:1


St. Apollos of Alexandria
Acts 18:24-27


24 More Icons of African Saints:

21 Saints of Africa


All Saints of Africa


St. Anthony of Egypt


St. Athanasius of Alexandria


St. Augustine of Hippo


St. Benedict the Black


St. Bessarion of Egypt


St. Cyprian of Carthage


St. Cyril of Alexandria


St. Epenetus of Carthage


St. Gregory Palamas


St. Ifigemia of Nubia


St. Julia of Carthage


St. Mary of Egypt


St. Maurice of Thebes


St. Monica mother of Augustine


St. Moses the Black


St. Moses the Ethiopian1


St. Moses the Ethiopian2


St. Moses the Ethiopian2 (framed)


St. Pachomius of Thebes


St. Paisius of Egypt


St. Pericles of Carthage


St. Priscilla of Carthage


For more info, visit St. Moses the Black Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh PA.
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