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Oct. 27, 2016 - Protecting America in the New Missile Age

Oct. 26, 2016 - Liberty and Security Together, Under Assault

Oct. 26, 2016 - 25 Years After Thomas Joins Supreme Court, a Friend Hails an American Originalist

Oct. 25, 2016 - Google/YouTube vs. Conservative Speech

Oct. 25, 2016 - Russia’s Missile Deployment Adds to NATO’s Worries in the Baltic

Oct. 24, 2016 - Senator Tim Scott: Putting a Face on Poverty

Oct. 24, 2016 - Can a Desert Nation Solve the World's Water Shortage?

Oct. 23, 2016 - Think the First Amendment Protects Books and Movies? Government Officials Don’t Agree

Oct. 23, 2016 - How Does the Minimum Wage Work?

Oct. 22, 2016 - Celebrating 25 Years of Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court: His Close Friend Spills the Beans

Oct. 22, 2016 - Miracle baby ‘born’ twice after parents refused to abort despite critical diagnosis

Oct. 21, 2016 - Fact-Checking the Debate Fact-Checkers on Abortion

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"Daily News & Views" (older)