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In the article "Thomas Sowell Exposes Why The Left Doesn’t Care About the Poor," Regan Pifer writes that "Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson isn’t backing down from a controversial statement he made last month. And what was that? After overseeing HUD for three months, Carson categorized poverty as 'a state of mind.' He expanded by explaining, 'I'm not saying that everybody who's in poverty has a bad state of mind… What I'm saying is when you develop the right kind of thinking — you approach things differently. Attitude helps tremendously.'" An excellent related article, "What You Should Know about Poverty in America," explains how the U.S. is wasting hundreds of billions of dollars in anti-poverty programs to very little effect, except that we've got more people living below the poverty line than ever before. If the government takes money out of some people's pockets and puts it in other peoples' pockets (after the bureaucrats take their cut), it isn't creating wealth... it's only creating dependency. Only productive people — not government bureaucrats — create wealth. But Dr. Ben Carson isn't complaining about President Trump's suggested $6 billion cut in HUD's budget. He says, "we have to look at a new paradigm" that relies on "public-private partnerships." I need to talk with Dr. Carson about HUD providing construction loans for our planned "Agape Restoration Communities" for those public-private partnerships. Get the whole story: read the full article & get our free weekly newsletter: subscribe below! |