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In her article "This Medication Could Reverse a Third of Abortions," Arina Grossu writes about "the success rate of a little-known therapy called the 'abortion pill reversal.' This therapy has a 60 to 70 percent success rate in reversing the effects of the abortion pill after it has been taken." Nearly a third of all abortions nowadays take place by means of the self-administered drug combo called RU-486. It consists of two drugs, the first that decreases the production of progesterone so that the placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus - this starves the baby to death. A second drug then causes the woman to go into labor and expel the dead baby. The new abortion pill reversal medication, however, reverses the effect of the first abortion drug by increasing the production of progesterone if the new medication is taken soon enough after the first abortion drug. Thus the placenta remains attached and the baby doesn't starve! Get the whole story: read the full article & get our free weekly newsletter: subscribe below! |