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Click! → Over 70,000 march for life as Ireland plans historic vote on abortion

The article "Over 70,000 march for life as Ireland plans historic vote on abortion" states: "This is an incredible, powerful day, when massive crowds of ordinary people turned out to Save the 8th, to say no to abortion and yes to Life, to tell Leo Varadkar that he would lose this referendum on abortion, because the pro-life majority has arisen and will work night and day to Save the 8th,"

It continues - "The loudest cheers of the day were for Karen Gaffney, a leading international advocate for people with Down syndrome who urged the crowd to Save the 8th to protect the right to life of 'people like me,' and warned that in other countries, aggressive screening programs mean that up to 100 percent of people with Down syndrome are being aborted. 'We want to belong, don’t screen us out,' she said."

Notice the euphemism "screening" that actually means "killing babies with undesirable traits." This is like "Pro-Choice" that actually means "killing babies that we didn't want to conceive," or "euthanasia" meaning "killing the elderly or chronically ill because it costs too much money to keep them alive." Leftists are driven by a subconscious death wish.

We Pro-Life people must start decoding these Pro-Death code words, speaking the truth to those who play word games to live in self-delusion. If Liberal hypocrites would only practice on themselves what they advocate for others, we wouldn't be having this discussion at all!

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