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In his article "Five Urgent Steps Churches Must Take to Prepare for Persecution," Tom Gilson writes - "Anti-Christian hostility has been trending upward for at least two decades. All it would take to tip it over into persecution now might be for Christians to get saddled with blame for some major tragedy or uprising. The blame doesn’t need to be accurate. Nero falsely blamed Christians for fires in Rome, and killed many of them for it. So what can Christians do to prepare? We must pursue normal Christian life, which is good to do in all seasons. But we must do it with eyes open to the day’s new challenges, in five specific areas of church life." His five steps are: 1. Unity and Community, 2. Christian Doctrine, 3. Reasons to Believe, 4. Prayer, and 5. Outreach. He gives a paragraph or two of explanation for each of these steps, so be sure to read the article. NOTE: these are steps to take before persecution arises. Like a good weather forecaster, he's given us fair warning that a hurricane is brewing and coming our way. It might change course or slow down before it arrives, but we need to take action now, beforehand. Later could be too late. The secular world around us is changing rapidly and drastically for the worse. Conservative Christians are a shrinking minority and are easy targets for leftists who seek for someone to blame for society's and even nature's problems. Good is considered evil and evil good. White is being called black and black white. Christians need to come together, pray, and take a strong stand for the truth. Get the whole story: read the full article & get our free weekly newsletter: subscribe below! |