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In her article "Nurses testify on being forced to do abortions: 'I still have nightmares'," Katie Yoder writes - " While many in the liberal media herald abortion as 'women's rights,' they censor how abortion endangers women's rights in the medical profession — women who are forced to either help perform abortion or risk losing their jobs. {Last] Wednesday, pro-life leaders and lawmakers attended a Capitol Hill press conference in support of the Conscience Protection Act of 2017. The bill protects the conscience of those in federally-funded healthcare systems who object to performing or participating in abortion. Nurses, whom the legislation would affect, testified at the event." Although federal and state laws prohibit discrimination against employees who refuse to participate in abortions, those laws are often unenforced if state and local officials decide to ignore them. This new Conscience Protection Act will give employees the right to take legal action against such employers. Get the whole story: read the full article & get our free weekly newsletter: subscribe below! |