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In his article "Ireland has fallen – and the battle is just beginning," Jonathon van Maren writes - "The Republic of Ireland has fallen. A coalition of the powerful – Irish politicians who ran on pro-life platforms a few short years ago before abruptly betraying their supporters, the international abortion industry, the media, much of academia, a gaggle of celebrities, and the European elites – have finally prevailed in their relentless efforts to persuade the Irish people to become the first to bring in abortion on demand by popular vote. They voted for abortion in wide margins, and many, if not most, did so with their eyes wide open. There was scarcely a lamppost in the country that did not feature a sign warning them that nearly all abortions would be perpetrated against healthy children, and that Ireland's abortion regime would permit feticide up until six months, and that voting 'Yes' would be granting the abortion industry a licence to kill. "Ireland had achieved something truly remarkable: A nation in which the laws protected every right to life equally, a country which the World Health Organization listed as one of the safest for a pregnant woman. The abortion activists abhorred Ireland's shining example, a nation that illustrated so clearly that the idea of abortion as healthcare is an ugly lie. They showed that it is truly possible to love both women and their children, and the abortion activists could not forgive them that. This pro-life culture was a rebuke to their bloodthirstiness, and thus the combined powers of Hell raged against the weakest members of Irish society, and, at least for now, they prevailed. It is a sad irony that thousands who voted to repeal the 8th Amendment probably do not realize that they are only alive today because they were protected by law in the womb." This defeat of Ireland's 8th Amendment that guaranteed the Right to Life of unborn babies signals public opinion's tidal wave shift toward a materialist culture and worldview of instant self-gratification. It's time for Christians to proclaim the Gospel message of denying self, taking up our cross and following Christ. If we continue preaching and practicing a message of smiley-face, happy-slappy, huggy, warm-fuzzy Moralistic Therapeutic Deism that goes along to get along with the crowd, the Church will be swept away in this tidal wave as it declares itself to be irrelevant. Get the whole story: read the full article & get our free weekly newsletter: subscribe below! |