Free 5.5" x 8.5" Booklets

  1. Orthodox Worship: Vespers, Matins, and Divine Liturgy
  2. Daily Prayers of the Orthodox Church
  3. Pre-Communion Prayers
  4. The Martydom of Polycarp
  5. The Apostolic Constitutions
  6. The Didache, or the Teaching of the Lord...
  7. The Protevangelium of James
  8. 'On the Incarnation' by St. Athanasius of Alexandria
  9. 'Who Then Is the Rich Man That Shall Be Saved?' by St. Clement of Alexandria
  10. St. Basil’s Sermon 'To the Rich'
  11. 'Love of Poverty' by St. Gregory the Theologian
  12. St. John Chrysostom's Sermon 'On Almsgiving'
  13. 'St. John Chrysostom: The Prophet of Charity' by Georges Florovsky
  14. St. Basil’s Essay 'On the Holy Spirit'
  15. Health and Healing in Byzantium
  16. Seek the Welfare of the City
  17. 'Willing Slaves of the Welfare State' by C.S. Lewis
  18. 'The Uncreated Glory' by St. Gregory Palamas
  19. A Wonderful Revelation to the World
  20. 'Theosis – The True Purpose of Human Life' by Archimandrite George
  21. 'Grace in the Orthodox Church' by Vladimir Lossky
  22. 'The Year of our Lord' by Fr. Georges Florovsky
  23. Incompleteness Theorems Point to a Hidden Realm
  24. Lust of Power, Anger Management, and Creating a Spiritually Fertile Environment
  25. A Question for Orthodox Christians
  26. Building the New City: St. Basil’s Social Vision
  27. Building the ARC: Personal Empowerment via accountability and work
  28. Our Homecoming (to Orthodoxy)
  29. Is The Nicene Creed Scriptural?
  30. Overview of the Liturgy and Short Glossary
  31. A First-Century View of Yeshua, the Messiah
  32. The First Christians Were Not Like Those Who Came Later
  33. Ageism is the New Racism
  34. Transformed Into His Likeness
  35. The Virtue of Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage
  36. Towards Total Disarmament, World-Peace, and Equal Prosperity