The Ladder of Divine Ascent: Not all who use the name "Orthodox" are such. Lest one think that all he must do to be an Orthodox ("right-worshipping") Christian is to worship the right way by attending liturgy and observe a few basic rules such as prayer, fasting and almsgiving, this classic book on asceticism teaches us that to follow Christ is to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily. WARNING: not for catechumens or new converts! This book was written for monastics, so the layperson mustn't think by reading each of the 30 steps of the ladder, checking off one a day on his checklist, that he has completed his spiritual journey, attained total sanctification and is now a full partaker of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). It is a lifelong journey, and many do not make it to the end. Only "he who *endures to the end* shall be saved" (Matthew 24:6).