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Oct. 31, 2016 - Blockbuster report on internal FBI conflict over investigating Clinton machine

Oct. 31, 2016 - Elizabeth Warren Has It Wrong on Voter Fraud

Oct. 31, 2016 - Longtime Clinton ally announces on live TV: ‘I am actively reassessing my support…’

Oct. 30, 2016 - Radical Activist Saul Alinsky Recruited Wolves in Shepherds’ Clothing

Oct. 30, 2016 - The Dark Art of Political Intimidation

Oct. 30, 2016 - Obama Threatens to Veto Military Bill Because It Protects Religious Groups

Oct. 29, 2016 - The Cold Clinton Reality - Why isn’t the IRS investigating the Clinton Foundation?

Oct. 29, 2016 - The Top 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks

Oct. 29, 2016 - Germany: School forces children to chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ and “there is no God but Allah”

Oct. 28, 2016 - Federal Judge Asks Why Obama Administration Isn’t Admitting Christian Syrian Refugees

Oct. 28, 2016 - An Ancient Rabbi Brings an Urgent Warning to Christian Leaders Today

Oct. 27, 2016 - The Most Popular Pro-Life Law

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