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![]() In his article "Vaclav Benda, Man Of Conscience," Rod Dreher interviews Flagg Taylor - "DREHER: Who was Václav Benda? Why does he matter? TAYLOR: Václav Benda was one of the leading Czech dissidents in the Charter 77 movement in the former Czechoslovakia. He was born in 1946 and died in 1999. He was very thoughtful about the nature of the totalitarian challenge and how one ought to confront it. The totalitarian temptation is very much with us in a variety of forms so his experience and thoughts are more relevant for us than we might think. "DREHER: The totalitarian temptation? Most of us think that went away with the death of communism. Where do you see it today? TAYLOR: Well, communism isn’t dead. It survives in various forms in places like North Korea, China, and Cuba. And it survives in the hearts and minds of many people who have neither experience of the phenomenon nor familiarity with its history. Many people think it remains a feasible and desirable political alternative. But most disturbingly, the totalitarian temptation survives because we remain engulfed by the same patterns of thought which serve as its precondition. The idea of the human being as a fully autonomous subject who creates his own truth and lives without limits - this is a precondition for totalitarian projects to transform human nature." The tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of USSR did not bring an end to communism. I've spent 50 years involved with dissidents such as Benda and lived in the USSR/Russia during the former's collapse and after for 17 years. As this article explains, the mindset of total human autonomy that creates one's own truth is ripe for submission to Cultural Marxism, the latest politically-correct ideology that enslaves with unrestrained sexual liberty and other freebies without responsibilities. "They" will educate you for free, provide free health care, contraceptives and abortions, give you an easy job if you want to "work" and a comfy retirement income... until "They" kill the goose that lays the golden eggs: the hard-working people who believe in moral absolutes. Get the whole story: read the full article & get our free weekly newsletter: subscribe below! |