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The Great Commission

The Period of TriumphYeshua, the Messiah, known to the Greek-speaking Jews in the Dispersion as "Yesous, the Khristos – the Annointed One," whose followers saw him executed, dying on a Roman cross, suddenly came back to life and appeared several times to his eleven Apostles and many of his other disciples. Click on this photo to read about all of these appearances.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

Scroll down a little further in the above photo's link, where you'll see "Yeshua Appears to All the Apostles in Galilee" and issues the Great Commission as follows: "16 But the eleven disciples went into Galilee, to the mountain where Yeshua had sent them. 17 When they saw him, they bowed down to him, but some doubted. 18 Yeshua came to them and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to obey everything that I commanded you to do. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.' Amen" (Matthew 28:16-20).

At 10 a.m. this Thursday morning our time, which was 8 p.m. their time, I had the privilege of speaking on this Scripture passage to some evangelists and their house churches in Bangladesh. I'd like to share with you what I said: first of all, in v. 17 it states that still "some doubted." When people are presented with information – an event or an idea – that is entirely beyond anything they have experienced in their lives, they often simply can't comprehend it or believe it. Someone is standing here who was dead, many of these people saw him die, but here he is! Unbelievable! And so it is today, when people hear about the Virgin Birth of Yeshua, his miracles, his death and resurrection, they doubt it because it's entirely outside of their experience. I have had similar reactions from people who have never been outside the state where they were born when I tell them about our living in Russia for 17 years.

Then in v. 18, Yeshua says – "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth." Older translations use the word "power" but the Greek word "exousia" is better translated as "authority" or the right to do something. In the first days of Holy Week, Yeshua was debating with the Pharisees, Saducees, and Scribes about his authority. They asked – "By what authority do you do these things? Or who gave you this authority to do these things?" (Mark 11:28). Then he told them three parables, all dealing with the question of his authority versus theirs. His authority was his own, from God, and legitimate, theirs was an assumed authority and was being used in an illegitimate way, only to continue their hold on power.

When you see the word "Therefore" in v. 19, you should ask yourself what is it there for: it is there to connect the previous verse about Yeshua's authority with v. 19! He is saying in effect: "I have God-given authority and I am giving you, my Apostles, this same authority to go forth and make disciples of all nations." In some older translations, it states – "teach all nations" but it is more than just teaching the doctrines of Yeshua and the historical facts about him. Making disciples of all nations is training believers to do the things that Yeshua did: he and his disciples baptized people in the name of the holy Trinity – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, they healed them, they fed the hungry, cleansed the lepers, they even cast out demons and raised the dead.

Verse 20 is very important to read carefully and understand, because many preachers don't explain it correctly: they say it means to teach people the parables that Yeshua taught, tell about his death on the cross and his resurrection, and tell people to believe these things. But that's just the start, just the basic truths. This verse in older translations states – "teach them to observe all that I commanded you" but the word "observe" can easily be misunderstood to mean "watch" or be a spectator. Too many church-goers view church as a spectator sport: they sit in their pews and watch a performance by the choir and the preacher. Wrong! The word "observe" actually means to "obey" or to "fulfill a command." What did Yeshua command his disciples to do? In Matthew ch. 10 and in Luke ch. 10 and ch. 11, he sent out his Apostles, commanding them to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, care for the needy, and cast out demons. The demons of today are the false ideologies of atheism, materialism, and secular humanism that hold captive literally billions of people, saying that Yeshua was just a prophet or a moral teacher, he didn't really do anything miraculous and he didn't rise from the dead, or that you can believe whatever you want – all religions are OK – but just keep it to yourself.

So in Matthew 28:18-20 we have authority in the Great Commission, and we have a continuation of Yeshua sending out his Apostles, in Acts 1:8 – "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." Here the Greek word for "power" is "dunamis" and we get "dynamite" from this word. It means the strength or the ability to do something. In Matthew 28, Yeshua gave his Apostles authority or the right, and here in Acts 1, he promises to give them power or strength and ability to preach the Good News, heal the sick, care for the poor, and drive out evil powers.

The Apostle Peter writes about this: "God waited patiently in the days of Noah, while the ark was being built. In it, few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water. This is a symbol of baptism, which now saves you - not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 3:20-21). The Ark is a symbol or a type of the Church, the Bride of Christ. The eight souls – Noah and his family – were the only ones saved from the flood. So to believe in Christ and be baptized is to be in the Body of Christ, the Church. There is no salvation outside of the Church, the Body of Christ. The Apostle Peter is teaching us that the flood was a symbol of baptism, which is the reality: baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit saves us, it's not simply like taking a bath to wash away the filth of the flesh, but it cleanses our conscience, our hearts' desires. We are resurrected with Christ in baptism into a new, spiritual life.

The Apostle Paul also writes on this topic: "He [God the Father] put all things in subjection under his [Christ's] feet, and gave him to be head over all things for the Church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all" (Ephesians 1:22-23). The Church is the Body of Christ, and only in the Church we can experience the fullness of Christ. The Bible is very important – the services of the Orthodox Church are full of Scripture, about 75% of each service is direct quotations, reading the Scriptures, or references to the words of Scripture. But the Bible isn't the source of all authority, Christ received "all authority" – he is the source – and he gave this authority to his Apostles.

The Apostle Paul writes – "These things I write to you, hoping to come to you shortly; but if I wait long, that you may know how men ought to behave themselves in the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:14-15). The Church is " the pillar and ground of the truth." In verses 1-7, Paul writes about the qulaities and duties of "overseers" or priests/pastors. The word "priest" is a shortened form of "presbyter" ("prest"). Timothy was bishop over the churches in Ephesus (ch. 1:3), and in ch. 5:17-22, Paul instructs him again about the virtues that an overseer should have before Timothy would ordain them – see v. 22. And the Apostle Paul appointed Titus as bishop in Crete (Titus 1:5-8) to ordain priests/pastors on that island.

The Church was established on the Day of Pentecost, when the promise of Acts 1:8 was fulfilled. God sent the Holy Spirit to give the Apostles power to go from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria and then to the uttermost parts of the earth – to the Gentile nations. In Acts 11:19-26, we read how "ordinary believers" went from Jerusalem to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, where they began sharing the Good News about Yeshua. When the Apostles in Jerusalem heard about this, they sent Barnabas to help the believers in Antioch organize a local church. He sent for Saul to help him. We know that Barnabas was a Levite (ch. 4:36) and Saul (later Paul) was a Pharisee: both of them were well-trained in the Scriptures. And so, they taught the believers in Antioch, and v. 26 states – "The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." They weren't called Christians at the time Barnabas and Saul were there, church history tells us that it was Euodias, the second bishop in Antioch, who later called the disciples "Christians" – not all the facts are in the Bible, so it's important to also study church history. But the point is this: to be a Christian is to be a disciple, you can't be "just a Christian" and go to church once a month or a few times a year, and lead a moral life. A disciple isn't a super-Christian, someone who has decided to go all-out for Christ. A disciple is a Christian, and a Christian is a disciple. A disciple is someone who obeys and fulfills Christ's commands.

There were other bishops beside Timothy and Titus: after Euodias, Ignatius was bishop in Antioch, he was the little child that Yeshua took on his lap and said – "Let the little children come to me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Both Ignatius and Polycarp were disciples of the Apostle John. Polycarp was the bishop of Smyrna. So what we see here is that the Apostles appointed well-trained and godly men to be bishops over the churches in various areas. This is how the Church is to be governed. This authority to ordain bishops and they would ordain overseers (priests/pastors) is the model established in the first century and continues to this day. These councils of godly men, bishops, are responsible to maintain true doctrine and practice.

Well then, what is the Church and how do we know if we are in it? Several Orthodox theologians have said – "We know where the Church is, but we do not know where the Church is not." There are genuine Christians, disciples of Yeshua, the Messiah – the Christ, who might not even know about Apostolic authority to ordain priests/pastors. But these disciples believe in Christ's birth from the Virgin Mary, his death for our sins and his resurrection. They believe in and were baptized in the name the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They believe that the Lord's Supper in some mysterious way beyond rational understanding is really the Body and Blood of Christ, and that when we partake of it, we become partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). An Orthodox priest in Moscow (he's now a bishop) once told me: "If you believe these three things, you are Orthodox, whether you know it or not."

So there are members of the Body of Christ who are out there, waiting to be taught these truths, to learn that they are in the Church, Christ's Body. They are sharing the Good News of Yeshua, the Messiah. In extreme situations ("in extremis") when no bishop or priest is available, they are permitted to evangelize, baptize, and even conduct the Lord's Supper without official ordination, but they need to eventually be organized under Apostolic authority, like the disciples in Antioch were. This is how the Great Commission works!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Christ is among us! He is and ever shall be!

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(The above essay is from my notes for a Thursday morning [evening in Asia] message on "The Great Commission" --
Seven house churches and local evangelists in Bangladesh were on Zoom together for their evening prayer meetings.)


from: Unian

Metr. Epifaniy meets St. Sec. Blinken (6 May) Metropolitan Epifaniy expressed gratitude for the U.S. firm support in the context of countering external challenges Ukraine continues to confront. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday, May 6, held a meeting with Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), Metropolitan Epifaniy. The two discussed progress in the OCU's development, the church's press service reported.

Metropolitan Epifaniy and Secretary Blinken took part in a ceremony honoring the fallen Ukrainian heroes, laying flowers at the Wall of Remembrance before the U.S. top diplomat visited St. Michael's Cathedral in Kyiv center. "Particular attention was paid to the issue of the OCU's development, the importance of removing artificial obstacles to the free determination of affiliation by parishes, based on the principles of freedom of conscience," the report says.

Metropolitan Epifaniy expressed gratitude to the American side for the firm support of Ukraine in the context of countering external challenges the Ukrainian state continues to confront, as well as in the issues of protecting freedom of conscience in the Russian-occupied territories, namely Crimea and parts of Donbas.

Metropolitan Epifaniy emphasized the importance of the U.S. outstanding efforts in consolidating international support for Ukraine, increasing sanctions pressure and containing Russia until full restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: We are thankful for this gesture being made toward the OCU and we hope that real substance will back up this gesture.



by Felix Corley: Forum 18 News Service

Russian troops at Dadivan	k monastery (28 Apr.) On 25 April Azerbaijani military forces blocked Armenian Apostolic Church pilgrims' access to the Dadivank Monastery. The Monastery is in territory now held by Azerbaijan, where the ordination of Deacon Manvel Sargsyan to the priesthood was due to take place that Sunday. Russian peace keepers accompanied the pilgrims to another monastery in the ethnic Armenian-controlled unrecognised entity of Nagorno-Karabakh, where the ordination went ahead.

The 9th century Dadivank Monastery – located just west of Nagorno-Karabakh's Soviet-era borders – was in territory handed back to Azerbaijan in late November 2020. A Russian peace keeping post is located outside the entrance to the monastery, to protect it and the priests who continue to live and serve there.

On 18 April 2021, Russian peace keepers told Armenian Apostolic Church leaders that Azerbaijan had stated that only 15 pilgrims would be allowed to visit the monastery on the following Sunday, not the planned 25. Then on the evening of 23 April, the Church was informed that only 10 pilgrims, including Nagorno-Karabakh's Armenian Apostolic Church Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamian, Deacon Sargsyan, and his parents, would be allowed through.

On 25 April, the 10 pilgrims – accompanied by Russian peace keeping forces – arrived at the Azerbaijani checkpoint just before the monastery. After a delay of 15-20 minutes – as against the usual 5 minute wait – Azerbaijan refused to allow the pilgrims through, blaming the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the Azerbaijani military's claims about the coronavirus pandemic, the Azerbaijani soldiers at the checkpoint were not wearing masks or maintaining social distance, Bishop Vrtanes told Forum 18.

Bishop Vrtanes told Forum 18 that he wants the problem of access to Dadivank to be resolved calmly. "We want the monastery to function and for pilgrims once again to be able to return there without problems," he said. "The Church should not be involved in political conflicts." Azerbaijan's Defence Ministry has not replied to Forum 18's question about why it blocked the pilgrims' access to Dadivank Monastery, as well as the supplies of food for the monks.

An official of the Russian peace keeping forces contingent said that no complaints had come in about events at Dadivank on 25 April. "All is quiet there," the official told Forum 18 from Stepanakert, the unrecognised Nagorno-Karabakh entity's capital. The official added that each week a "limited number of pilgrims" – usually about 11 - are allowed to visit the monastery with the agreement of the Azerbaijani military and the Russian peace keepers. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: It may be hard for Westerners to comprehend that military conflict that is over would continue to affect the religious practices of the invaded people, but that is the accepted practice of countries ruled by a totalitarian worldview, either political or religious.



from: Religious Information Service of Ukraine

Michael Bourdeaux (1 May) Michael Alan Bourdeaux died on 29 March 2021 at the age of 87. He was the founder of Keston College, a British research institute for the study of religion in the USSR and other communist countries. As Xenia Dennen notes in her obituary in the “Guardian,” after escaping to the West the Soviet double agent Oleg Gordievsky once said that Keston was second, after Amnesty International, in the list of organizations hated by the KGB (“The Guardian,” 16 April 2021). For Keston College exposed the lie that religious believers were free under communism.

Born 19 March 1934 in Praze, Cornwall, Michael Bourdeaux was the son of a baker and a schoolteacher. Talented in languages, he studied Russian at Oxford, and in 1959 spent a year at Moscow University in the first UK-USSR student exchange program organized by the British Council. As it happened, Bourdeaux’s stay in Moscow coincided with the beginning of a wave of particularly intense Soviet persecution of religion that lasted until Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev fell from power in 1964.

After his studies in the USSR, Michael Bourdeaux studied theology at Oxford and was ordained an Anglican priest in 1961. On a visit to Moscow in 1964, he spoke with two women at the site of a demolished church. This led to his meeting a group of Russian Orthodox believers who asked him to “be our voice” and tell the world about the persecution of religion in the Soviet Union. (“Be Our Voice” became the title of Jenny Robertson’s 1984 book about Bourdeaux’s work.)

In 1969, with the help of Peter Reddaway and Leonard Schapiro of the London School of Economics, the clergyman founded the Center for the Study of Religion and Communism. In 1974, the center moved to a former schoolhouse in the village of Keston in Kent, 13 miles southeast of central London. A registered charity relying entirely on donations, what came to be known as Keston College was governed by a Council with Sir John Lawrence as president and the journalist Christopher Cviic as chairman.

Michael Bourdeaux assembled a team that eventually counted over twenty researchers speaking as many languages. They covered the USSR and East Europe except for Albania and Yugoslavia, on which they received advice from outside experts. A China specialist later joined the team. Keston’s Research Department published the scholarly journal "Religion in Communist Lands," later titled "Religion, State and Society." In 1977, the College published its first carefully documented list of religious prisoners of conscience in the USSR. Its Information Department published the Keston News Service bulletin and a newsletter entitled "The Right to Believe."

In directing Keston College, Michael Bourdeaux sought to balance objective scholarly research on the state of religion in communist countries with principled advocacy for religious freedom. Many in the West criticized him for allegedly undermining “quiet diplomacy” and “rocking the boat” by speaking out on Soviet persecution. Others, however, understood that constant pressure from a credible and independent source could contribute to genuine diplomatic solutions and, more importantly, to the cause of fundamental human rights.

In 1984, Michael Bourdeaux was awarded the Templeton Foundation Prize for progress in religion. In his acceptance speech at London’s Guildhall, he foresaw the collapse of the communist system, stating, "I see an empire in decay." The following year, the Politburo appointed Mikhail S. Gorbachev General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, beginning an era of reforms that culminated in the dissolution of the USSR less than seven years later. Yet as late as 1987, Keston’s "Religious Prisoners in the USSR" listed 296 documented prisoners of conscience belonging to 14 denominations, including 217 Christians. Among the latter were 17 Ukrainian Greek-Catholics. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: The above photo is Michael Bourdeaux as I remember him. I was one of his "assembled team" that translated appeals and prison memoirs of persecuted Evangelical and Orthodox Christians in the Soviet Union in the early 1970s, enabling him to eventually win the Templeton Prize.



from: Disability Scoop

network to focus on autism (3 May) A first-of-its-kind network of autism centers across the country is aiming to better address the needs of those with the developmental disability by putting the latest research into practice faster. The newly launched 20-site Autism Care Network is a "learning health network," according to Autism Speaks, which is behind the new collaboration. In addition to treating people with autism in a traditional way, sites will work together to collect data from patients, test treatments and then share best practices among themselves and with other community providers.

“At each center, we work directly with children with autism and their families to find out what they need, and through collaboration with providers and researchers across the network, use patient data to learn which treatments work and who they work for,” said Donna Murray, vice president of clinical programs at Autism Speaks. "That information gets back to providers through the network, and centers practice these methods and push that information into their communities to get the right care to the right patient at the right time."

The Autism Care Network is the latest iteration of what was previously known as the Autism Treatment Network. The new version, however, includes almost twice as many sites and has evolved from being primarily a clinical network to a situation where patient insights drive research that's then implemented, Autism Speaks said.

"Traditional research takes up to 17 years to be put into practice in a provider’s office," said Karen Kuhlthau, a professor of pediatrics at Massachusetts General Hospital and director of the Autism Care Network’s research coordinating center. "With patient and family needs driving where we focus our efforts, and a system that lets us answer these questions quickly, the Autism Care Network will accelerate the process of moving best practices identified by research into the clinical setting to deliver more personalized and effective care."

In addition to Autism Speaks, the Autism Care Network is being funded by the federal Health Resources Services Administration’s Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health, the J. Donald and Laurelle Lee Family Foundation and the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. Clinics that are part of the new network include the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: This news is very important to us, because we have a grandson who is a high-level autistic person, very gifted intellectually but slow in social skills development. He is now a 4th-year university student in computer science.



from: Sight Magazine

Armenian Easter in Romania (7 May) The ethnic Armenian population in Romania numbered more than 40,000 at the beginning of World War II but rapidly plunged during the country's communist era, especially during the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu. The latest available census data shows a little over 1,300 people in Romania today identify as Armenian, many of whom welcomed the resumption of Orthodox Easter church services that were canceled last year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

More than 100 people wearing mandatory face masks gathered inside and outside Bucharest's Armenian Church, an imposing white building fashioned after the main Armenian Apostolic Church cathedral. Archbishop Datev Hagopian, the Iraq-born clergyman who since 2010 has served as primate of the Armenian church's Romanian Diocese, led the Easter service.

Armenians, mostly traders, were an important presence starting in the 14th century in the region that makes up modern Romania, and the oldest historical evidence of their presence there dates from 967 AD. In 1700, they established Armenopolis, a city in the Transylvania principality that was then a part of Habsburg-ruled Hungary. The city is now called Gherla, while Transylvania is a region of central Romania.

After the systematic killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians in the early 20th century Ottoman Empire, modern Turkey - which US President Joe Biden last month recognised as a genocide - many Armenians took refuge in Romania, where an orphanage was set up for up to 200 children who lost their parents.

Although Armenians celebrate Christmas on 6th January, according to the Julian calendar, Armenian Apostolic Church leaders decided after the mass killings, in 1925, to observe Easter at the same time as the Orthodox Christian majorities in Romania and Greece. They believed the change would promote the integration of Armenians in the countries that accepted refugees and eliminate possible doubts about their Christianity. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: The Armenian Orthodox Church did not subscribe to the Council of Chalcedon's decision in 451AD regarding the two natures of Christ, but recently there have been efforts to resolve this issue, saying that both sides basically agree but they used different terminology to describe it.



from: Interfax-Religion

Interfax Religion (28 Apr.) Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky believes that a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin could take place at the Vatican.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky believes that a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin could take place at the Vatican. "Yes, indeed, it could be the optimal venue from all standpoints. The Vatican is truly an ideal place for dialogue on peace, because the Holy See is a global moral authority, which has always effectively played a role as a mediator, as it is unbiased and enjoys the trust of all participants in a conflict. This is why historically the Apostolic capital has often been appealed to to help resolve conflicts between states and to promote a peaceful future," Zelensky said in an interview with the La Repubblika newspaper, which was also published on the Ukrainian presidential website on Wednesday.

Zelensky said this after being asked whether Rome or the Vatican could host his meeting with the Russian president. "The venue for the meeting should be trusted by both sides, while a mediator with such authority could provide the confidence that is lacking in attempts between Ukraine and Russia to reach agreement," he said.

"This is what makes the Vatican different from other world actors: the Vatican remains an exclusively moral force and always acts in an uninterested way, without having its own military-political or economic interests. There is both its authority, its sincere desire to help, and guarantees of responsibility. The pope is a prophet of peace by his mission," Zelensky said.

The Ukrainian president also expressed confidence that "such a meeting will certainly take place. As a starting point, the meeting should take place in territory that personifies peace and dialogue," he said. [read more...]

COMMENTARY: We must hope and pray for a just and peaceful settlement to the crisis caused by the Russian-sponsored invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing conflict there.





LifeSite News

Christian Persecution

Religious Information Service of Ukraine

Mission Network News


Russian Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate

Orthodox Christianity

Eurasia Review

America Magazine






A New Approach to Home Care

A New Approach to Home Care

(Maybe you've read this before and you're wondering, "Why am I seeing this again?" But millions of other Christians haven't seen it! So please help us by clicking on the title above, then use the "share" buttons to share it with your social media friends. Thanks!!)

Dear friend,

What is Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC)? "HBPC programs provide appropriate care (primary, urgent, or palliative) to high-risk, medically vulnerable patients, often suffering multiple chronic conditions, when and where they need it. This patient-centric, continuous care model delivers clinical, economic, and human benefits such as:
  * facilitating timely interventions when chronic conditions worsen and preempting avoidable emergency department visits and hospitalizations
  * alleviating social stressors that contribute to poor health
  * comforting patients by giving them loving care and letting them know they’re not alone."

Some states, recognizing that home health care is far less expensive than nursing home care, are starting to supplement family caregivers: States take the lead on addressing family caregiver needs. "As baby boomers grow into old age, there is a growing demand for caregivers — both paid and unpaid. While legislators have largely overlooked the looming shortage, some states are stepping into the void with innovative solutions.

"In Hawaii, family caregivers who work outside the home can get up to $70 per day from the state to apply toward adult day services. Washington has a tool to assess the needs of family caregivers and refer them to the most useful resources, and in Minnesota, the 'Live Well at Home' program gives grants to local organizations to test ways to support older adults and caregivers."

Check out AARP's Family Caregiving How-To Video Series: "Special Diets", "Managing Incontinence", "Wound Care", "Mobility", and "Managing Medications" with lots of instructional materials; also the Home Alone Alliance - "a partnership of public, private, and nonprofit sector organizations coming together to change the way health care organizations and professionals interface with family caregivers.

"20 million family caregivers say they perform medical/nursing tasks. These include handling prescriptions, helping someone climb the stairs with a cane, and caring for and cleaning wounds. Family caregivers often do these tasks with no training or help from health care professionals." This is why we offer our online Social Ministries of the Church program.

An example of Supporting older adults and their caregivers in the community is Wellmed Charitable Foundation's activity centers for seniors in Texas and Florida. This will give you an idea of what might be available in your state too! Also see their page on Caregiver Support for emergency call-in help, caregiver coaching, caregiver teleconferences, a stress-busting program and more.

Just one of the many Home Health Care organizations is Home Instead Senior Care with branches all over the U.S. They also offer free monthly newsletters with tips and advice for caregivers of elderly loved ones. You can also do an Internet search for "home health care organizations in XX" (XX = your state) to find out what's available locally, or go to Home Care Association of America and click on the "Find a Provider" link.

The John A. Hartford Foundation "is dedicated to improving the care of older adults" including Age-Friendly Health Systems - "an initiative of The John A. Hartford Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in partnership with the American Hospital Association and the Catholic Health Association of the United States." They sponsor a multitude of programs all over the U.S. to advance health care for people in the "baby boom" generation who are reaching their 70s now, when health issues tend to crop up.

Here's a really helpful factsheet: Supporting the Critical Role of Family Caregivers: State Opportunities on the value and the personal toll of family caregivers, as well as examples of what some states are doing to support this vitally important role. Print it, hand it out, and share it online!

The RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council of the U.S. government's Administration for Community Living (ACL) consists of non-governmental and federal government members chosen for "providing recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on effective models of both family caregiving and support to family caregivers, as well as improving coordination across federal government programs."

I hope you've found this info to be helpful!

"Dr. Bob"

Robert D. Hosken, M.Min., D.Min.



I think you'll really appreciate this article – Great and Small Miracles – as much as I did! The "little demons" of overeating, smoking, or laziness are sometimes the most difficult to drive out because we feel comfortable entertaining them, thinking they're harmless.


Our next free online (click →) Course 000 - Intro: Ministry to Handicapped and Poor (← click) starts soon! So enroll today, before you forget!


Now, here's a "big demon" – the genocide of unborn babies: New U.S. Administration "Respectfully Disagrees' with Catholic Church on Experimentation Using Aborted Children. It's beyond comprehension how a person can call himself a "good Catholic" (or any kind of Christian) and at the same time put in place rules to kill and experiment on unborn babies.


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Prayer and Praise:   For a daily reminder to pray for the items below, go to My Daily Prayer Guide and click on the "H-N pr." link!

Sun. - Pray for Christians around the world to train and send out evangelists/missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission.
Mon. - Thank the Lord for U.S. Sec. of State Blinken's meeting with Metr. Epifaniy, head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.
Tue. - Pray for the Armenian Apostolic Church to be allowed to conduct its services in newly-conquered Nagorno-Karabakh.
Wed. - Ask the Lord that the work begun by Michael Bourdeaux will continue, for others to take up this challenging task.
Thu. - Thank God for the new Autism Care Network with 20 sites in health centers all around the U.S. sharing information.
Fri. - Praise the Lord that the Armenian Apostolic Church continues to function, celebrating Pascha in Bucharest, Romania.
Sat. - Pray for the proposed meeting between presidents Zelensky of Ukraine and Putin of Russia to lead to lasting peace.


Map of former USSR   Please remember to pray for Christians in Secularized Countries, and for...

  Your fellow-servants,

  Bob & Cheryl

  p.s. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. - George Washington